Thursday, July 14, 2011

Post-op Photos from 2nd Surgery

Apologies for those of you that may be a bit squeamish. This is one way for me to let Michael see from afar how I'm doing. The photo on the right is 3 days after surgery, the photo on the left was taken 6 days post-op. The drain tube was removed in the afternoon and I got to take my first shower! A little gnarly looking. The bottom incision is the lumpectomy and the top incision is where the surgeon removed seven lymph nodes. Three were cancerous.


  1. Once again what a having to have the drain. It is good to keep the record as I said before!!

  2. Yes, the drain was a bugger. Part if the tape came undone, so I would put the bulb in my pocket....but once I was walking into a room and the tubing got caught on the door knob! A his old yank on the drain tube woke me up! I then used a ribbon and made a necklace to hold the drain tube. The nurse shuddered when I told her what happened and thought my necklace idea was very good! A lesson learned...never put your drain bulb in your pocket! :)
